Felix Dapare Dakora, an academician of the African Academy of Sciences, led a delegation to Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU) for academic exchanges on Oct 25.
Yan Jianbing, president of HZAU, met with Dakora and his delegation and extended a warm welcome on behalf of the university.
Yan Jianbing meets with Felix Dapare Dakora. [Photo/News.hzau.edu.cn]
Yan said that HZAU has actively responded to global challenges. Through strengthening cooperation and exchanges with scientists from around the world, especially those from developing countries, it has addressed food security issues globally, particularly in African countries.
He spoke of the potential for Sino-African collaboration in food security and pledged that HZAU will further deepen cooperation with African universities and research institutions in areas including technology transfer, personnel training, student education and scientific research to support agricultural modernization in China and Africa.
Dakora expressed gratitude for the warm reception at HZAU. He lauded China's remarkable achievements in various fields, including food security. Drawing on the realities of food production in Africa, he proposed that agricultural universities and research institutions in China and Africa should strengthen cooperation in areas such as germplasm and information technology to contribute knowledge and strength to solving food security issues in Africa.
During his visit, Dakora also participated in the 2024 Global Food Security Forum for Young Scientists held at HZAU, and he delivered a lecture titled "China-Africa Agricultural Cooperation: Implementing China's Plan for Agricultural Modernization and Food Security in Africa" to the faculty and students.